This client is one of the world’s leading mass media and entertainment corporations. With a vast collection of services, multiple divisions, and over 30,000 employees, this company hosts and manages an insurmountable amount of data. In the ever-changing world of entertainment, requests are plentiful, work flows quickly, and deadlines are non-negotiable.
OBO received a request from the client’s Creative Partnerships Project Management Team to automate and optimize their manual project management process.
For approximately three years, the team had been using monday.com for project requests and management. However, they hadn’t automated their project management processes or streamlined their project request form submissions.
The client’s team had developed a lead process in Salesforce, which was integrated with their monday.com instance. When an RFP hit a certain deal stage in Salesforce, the data was sent to monday.com and documented on the One Platform Marketing (OPM) team’s board. From there, all requests were manually reviewed by the OPM team, then distributed to the appropriate One Platform Creative & Development (OPCD) teams for the RFP pre-sale work. This data was manually copied and pasted from the OPM team board to the OPCD teams’ boards, leaving considerable room for human error.
Another manual process involved incoming requests for the internal design team (referred to as the Portfolio team). A form in TogetherWork collected all requests for project help. The Portfolio team would receive the form submission details in an email, then manually copy that information to an item within their monday.com board. This process was time-consuming and another opportunity for human error.
OPCD teams did not share a universal board structure. This made it challenging for project management processes to be standardized. Because each team board had different columns, it was time-consuming to manually move information accurately from OPM boards to OPCD boards.
In summary, the client’s main challenges included the following:
- Manual project assignment processes that were time-consuming and error-prone;
- A manual transfer of data from TogetherWork form submissions to monday.com boards, which was time-consuming and error-prone;
- Inconsistent team board structure with varying columns;
- Limited notification system in place for status changes or item creation.
Project Management Solutions
The client’s main goal was to automate manual processes and reduce the risk of human error and increase team efficiency. As a trusted partner of both monday.com and Salesforce, OBO’s implementation teams were well-suited for the task.
Mapping Process Flows
OBO began by mapping out the current process flow for leads and creative team requests and identifying any processes that could be optimized or automated within monday.com. OBO then mapped out the newly automated and optimized process flow that was recommended to the client.
For example, the lead assignment process could be automated by developing a series of monday.com automations. As new RFPs are pushed from Salesforce to monday.com, automations on the OPM team board can vet each item for specific conditions. If those certain conditions are met, the RFP request is automatically copied to the correct OPCD team board without requiring any manual review.
In cases where there is not enough information immediately available from Salesforce to trigger these automations, manual review by the OPM team is required before it is ready to go to an OPCD team(s). To hasten this process for the OPM team, OBO implemented complementary automations that are triggered when a team member manually changes the “Status” column of the item. Once the OPM team member is finished reviewing the item and filling in necessary information/columns, a simple status change will handle item copying and board transfer to the OPCD team(s) on their behalf.
Monday.com Board Updates
OBO conducted a full audit of OPCD team boards to analyze and standardize their structure. Several new column types were introduced to enhance visibility on multi-team projects. For example, a “Connect Boards” column was added to the OPM team board as well as the OPCD teams’ boards. When an item is copied to an OPCD board, it will automatically link to its original item. Further, the item will move to the “Working” group on the OPM board.
Mirrored columns allow for visibility on corresponding creative and development managers, the OPCD Lead, the Status of each project, and important links. Communication on items is also mirrored. By using the command “@everyone on this item”, both OPM and OPCD members will receive the update. This grants the OPM team full visibility on in-progress OPCD’s RFP Pre-Sale items without needing to leave their own board.
For the Portfolio team, which handles the company’s internal design requests in addition to their own Pre-Sale RFP items, an automation was created that could function at any stage of the implementation process. Two additional columns were added to certain OPCD boards who may need to trigger the Portfolio team for assistance: a “Details for Creative Team” column, and a “Creative Team Needed?” status column. Changing the “Creative Team Needed?” status column will trigger an automation that duplicates that item into the Portfolio team’s board and notifies the Portfolio team that an OPCD request has been sent to them for assistance.
Internal Requests
OBO recreated the Portfolio team request form that was initially in TogetherWork to automate the request process. This began with the creation of an Internal Requests board. This board has a monday.com form attached that collects all of the same information their original form collected. Form submissions come into the “Internal Requests” board and notify relevant users. From this board, new requests can be reviewed and accepted or denied using the “Status” column. If accepted, the request will be copied automatically to the Portfolio team’s board so they can begin work on it.
Notification automations were implemented to keep OPCD teams fully informed about new requests and deals.
Training & Ongoing Support
OBO built several sandbox boards to test all automations before going live. For training purposes, these sandbox boards were used to demonstrate the functionality of all new automations and notifications. OBO hosted high-level training for relevant teams and users to explain the updated process flow, detailing when, how, and why certain tasks have been automated.
OBO created an issue tracking board to efficiently communicate any changes or complications with the new build once all automations went live. An ongoing support contract will follow to ensure long-term success.
By introducing powerful automations and standardizing team board structures, this client was able to eliminate duplicative or inaccurate data within their monday.com instance. Teams benefit from their new, streamlined processes, which make project management and task delegation easier and more efficient than ever before.