Say hello to your new friend! Here’s everything you need to know in order to take great care of your new plant. Don’t worry: it’s simple!

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Hydroculture Plants.

What is a Hydroculture Plant?

Hydroculture is similar to hydroponics in many ways, but it has one key difference – instead of using a nutrient solution containing water as a growing medium, it uses an inorganic solid growing medium, and in this case Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates, known as LECA.  

LECA are small clay pellets that are heated to very high temperatures in rotating kilns which causes the clay to expand, similar to popcorn.  The benefits of LECA are they are extremely porous, allowing for abundant air and oxygen around its roots, meaning these plants are less prone to root rot and disease.  The LECA also acts as a wick, absorbing water and distributing it upward for the plant.  Furthermore, the LECA never decays or compacts the soil, so you never need to worry about repotting your plant.  It will be happy forever in the glass container. 

The main benefits of growing these plants are:

  • Ease of care – generally, they only require water once every 3-6 weeks depending on light and humidity conditions. 
  • No Fungus Gnats!
  • No guess work when it comes to watering. 
  • Longer water watering cycles. 
  • You don’t need a green thumb to take care of these plants!  

Setup Instructions.

Please gently remove and separate all packaging materials from your new plant. This includes the packaging paper, bubble wrap, stabilizing rods, and paper towels. Some of the LECA may have come loose during shipment.  Please add the LECA back into the glass container. Then, add water: fill your glass container to the brim.