Some writers are tempted to stuff blogs full of keywords on their web pages and think Google will boost their ranking. However, this tactic can very easily end up being your downfall. Blogs should always be informative, but they need to be the right kind of informative to bring a positive bump to your SEO ranking as well as increase prospect and client engagement on your site.
When creating blogs for your business, you need to most importantly consider one thing: what do my clients or prospects want to read about regarding my business and industry as a whole?
Every blog you write should inform the reader, as well as improve the chances that they’ll click to other areas of your site, keeping the time they spend on your site as high as possible. Your blogs aren’t just designed to bring traffic to your website, either. They can also serve as an extremely useful tool for your sales team to answer frequently asked questions by prospects and clients.
Writing an Informative Blog
In general, writing blogs can be tough, especially if you aren’t a natural-born writer. Some stare at blank pages all day, while others ramble on and go off topic frequently. We’ve discussed how to become a better writer, but now let’s look at how to take those skills and write better, more informative blogs.
An informative blog keeps the reader on that page and hopefully compels them to read the entire piece. When someone searches your keywords through Google, they want answers. They may not find the right answer right away, but they will continue to look for it until they do. You want to be sure that your blog is providing that answer in the best possible terms, without your visitor’s attention waning or your message getting lost in translation.
This is where having a good SEO plan can come in handy. You want to use the right keywords, headers, and titles to bring the right traffic to your page. To get those keywords, ask yourself some questions:
- What information does my blog provide?
- Who is interested in this information?
- What keywords would be Googled to find this type of information?
Answering these questions (and others) is an easy way to begin planning a new, informative blog.
Compiling an FAQ Inventory for Sales
Not everyone realizes just how useful blogs can be for a sales team. You know that they can improve your website traffic and SEO ranking, but what does any of that have to do with sales? Your blogs act as an inventory of answers for your sales reps—who are, frankly, sick of repeatedly answering the same questions.
Sure, they have no problem doing it to make the sale, but having a blog they can point the prospect to frees up a lot of their time. This is especially helpful to a large sales team that may have trouble keeping its answers to these popular questions consistent. And for new team members, sales wouldn’t have to double-check its answers to make sure it isn’t giving the wrong information. The blog will give everyone the same answer and keep information consistent across all teams.
Notably, your sales team can also be a great source of inspiration for informative blog topics. Ask them what questions they’re getting, and how they usually answer them..
Final Thoughts
Writing blogs is an important part of your business strategy to increase website engagement and help your sales team. However, blogs are not an exact science. Every business and writer has its own personal flair, and that’s a good thing! Blogs are another way to express your business’s values and brand. Make sure your writing style reflects how you want your business to be viewed by others. Also, if you’re uncertain about how your blogs are doing or if you could be doing better, it’s always a good idea to consult third-party content strategists that can provide you with the help you need.
Contact us today to learn more about writing the right blogs for your business and how our content strategists can help you provide better blogs for your clients.
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