The secret to closing a big sale is that you shouldn’t focus on closing a big sale.
You may think this is counterproductive, but let us explain. Instead of having tunnel vision on the sale itself, your main focus should be on building a relationship with the influencers and decision makers you are interacting with when attempting to close a big sale. You want to show them that building a relationship with you will be positive, and that the relationship will be mutually beneficial (as all good relationships should be).
Let’s face it: you are not there to sell them some miraculous service that you believe everyone wants no matter what; rather, your goal is to solve a problem your prospects are having. Buyers are not interested in what your business does well, they are only interested in what your businesses can specifically provide for them.
The Sales Process
In the B2B world, closing a big sale means that you are communicating with a multitude of people. Usually, you make contact with an influencer or two and begin the sales process through them. Your goal is to build a relationship with the influencers in order to understand what problems they’re having, and how your product or service can solve them. Before they even reach out to their decision makers, they need to know you have something worth that decision maker’s time.
As the price of a service increases, so does the time it will take to close the sale. As well, you will most likely be communicating with more people. As said above, you will initiate the deal with an influencer, but the decision maker will be signing the contracts and answering the final questions. Building the initial relationship is key to getting the decision makers to believe you have a solution to their problem, and you will continually deliver as a partner in the process.
Configuring the Close
Once you’ve built a relationship with your prospects, influencers, and decision makers, you can begin to close the sale that started it all. You want to be open to questions, and make sure you continually ask, “Is there anything else I can tell you? What other questions do you have for me?” Make sure they know you want them to be fully aware of how your business works, how the service works, and what benefits they’re receiving from this partnership.
Long gone are the times of pushy salesmen only interested in adding to their commission and how much they can get out of you, regardless of how much you know of it. Buyers have evolved to be smarter, and they can see right through the superficial sales pitch when it doesn’t provide anything to them. You need to be able to prove that the buying process will be open and transparent, in a sense, allowing them full partnership in the sale. They don’t want to see tricks hidden between lines in the contract, only open communication.
It may take more time than you initially hoped for before a contract is signed, but the end result will be worth it. Not only are you closing a sale, but you’re building that relationship that can blossom into future referrals and return business.
Prospects are typically bombarded with business opportunities, and they can be picky regarding who they want to do business with. You should be proud of any opportunity you have to do business with a prospect that fits your ideal buyer persona. Each new sale will benefit your team not just in numbers, but in experience.
Contact us today to learn more about closing big sales and how to build a relationship between seller and buyer in a way that is mutually beneficial and promotes future business.
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