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Learn How a Leading Provider of Clinical Data Analytics Supported Their Team to Adopt Salesforce

28 Sales Representatives Trained in Salesforce Created Customized Reports for 264 Accounts, 4241 Leads, and 151 Opportunities About The organization is a leading provider of clinically relevant analytics and insights…

OBO Awarded First Place for Baltimore Business Journal’s Best Place to Work 2021

Baltimore Business Journal announced the winners for the Best Places to Work award to a few top candidates for the Micro, Small, Medium and Large Companies on October 1st, 2021.…

Nephcure Successfully Integrates Salesforce and HubSpot to Provide Best-in-Class Support to 20,000 Stakeholders

About NephCure Kidney International is a non-profit organization focused on accelerating the research and education related to nephrotic syndrome. As the leading organization advocating for developing new drugs and procedures…

How to Apply for HubSpot’s Nonprofit Program : The Ultimate Guide

HubSpot has just released an all-in-one digital platform, specifically tailored to nonprofits! Here at OBO, we have been dedicated to helping Nonprofit organizations amplify and digitize their fundraising, marketing, constituent…

Why Your Data is a Goldmine

Let’s be honest: most businesses are completely unaware of the goldmine right at their fingertips. This untapped potential shines new light on leads and prospects, tracks down unique consumer buying…

Diving into the Deep End of Web Dev: A Beginner’s Guide

Creating a unique, fast, and easy to use website is key when it comes to impressing your clients. You may be familiar with free website builders that take the guesswork…

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